MORE details are emerging of plans to transform Ledbury if a new neighbourhood plan is adopted.

We reported last week how Ledbury Town Council is seeking residents' views ahead of a vote on a new Neighbourhood Development Plan for the town.

Now, we can reveal more of what is contained within the plans, as the town looks to move out of the pandemic.

Along with housing and town boundaries, the council is also exploring options for more recreational space in and around the town, including a new home for the town's football teams.

In the proposal documents, it says: "Ledbury does not have enough playing fields, particularly for the youth and adult football clubs.

"Different sites, funding sources and delivery opportunities have been explored.

"Sport England will only support a plan in which youth and adult facilities are combined.

"The proposal is to provide new pitches and facilities to the south of Little Marcle Road as a new home for Ledbury Swifts and Ledbury FC."

In addition to sporting sites, Little Marcle Road has also been identified as a place for new business sites, with the Herefordshire County Council planners also proposing this.

They say: "There is a need to find land for new businesses.

"More employment opportunities in the town would reduce the need for people to commute for work enabling Ledbury to grow in a balanced and sustainable way."

Herefordshire Council has analysed the landscape surrounding Ledbury and indicated in its core strategy that around 12 hectares (approx. 30 acres) of land south of the Little Marcle Road would be the best location for employment development in terms of access and landscape sensitivity, but the strategy did not stipulate precisely where this should be.

A site south of Little Marcle Road beside UBL has been identified where there are already business premises and Herefordshire Council’s Market Towns Economic Investment Project could help to bring forward land in this location.

This, with other smaller sites, also identified for their low sensitivity, could contribute towards future employment needs across a range of businesses, including tourism.

It is proposed that both playing fields and employment needs can be met from land south of Little Marcle Road and that other smaller sites could contribute.

For example, land off the by-pass near the Full Pitcher roundabout and adjacent to the new housing development, Hawk Rise, could be advanced for limited development.

Ideas considered include light industrial, hotel accommodation, a possible future location for emergency services and a community garden.

Any development here must be required to enhance green infrastructure and shown not to have a significant adverse effect on the neighbouring residential amenity or on views from and to the Malvern Hills AONB or Wall Hills Camp.

Also contained within the plans are proposals for a new access to the eastbound platform at Ledbury railway station for disabled users, as well as more car parking.

To have their say, residents are invited to complete an online survey.

This can be done at

Questionnaires must be completed by midnight on Friday, July 16.

For a paper copy, contact Ledbury Town Council.