A RANGE of novel coasters marking the Royal wedding have drawn interest from a national television broadcaster boosting sales and interest levels.

The souvenirs created for the marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton by the Malvern-based Coaster Company will feature on ITV after the channel’s wedding coverage co-ordinator was impressed by samples of the products.

They are a light-hearted take on iconic wartime posters, with slogans such as DON’T PANIC THERE IS STILL ONE PRINCE LEFT, KEEP CALM ITS ONLY A WEDDING, and CALM DOWN, YOU CAN STILL MARRY HARRY.

The television channel even has its own specially created Keep Tuned to ITV for the Royal Wedding coaster, which it is using for promotional purposes.

Managing director Ken Beecroft said: “It is working out very, very well for us. Every coffee cup in the ITN studio will be on one of our coasters. It has created two jobs so far, one in sales and one in production, to cope with the demand.”

The coasters have found their way into a wide range of locations, including Downing Street and tourist hot-spots in London, and will also feature on NBC and ABC in America. Locally, they can be found at the Lyttleton Well shop in Church Street.

For those with more traditional tastes there are coasters emblazoned with photographs of the couple.