MALVERN LINK: Demolition of 24 pre-cast concrete garages and replacement with 24 new pre-cast concrete garages on existing bases. Aspen Court, Osborne Road.

MALVERN LINK: Proposed garage to side of existing dwelling. 9 Goodson Road.

MALVERN PRIORY: Demolition of internal stud partitions to form new openings and demolition of existing staircase. 28 Worcester Road.

MALVERN PRIORY: Fell several trees in accordance with the accompanying schedule. 3 St James Road.

MALVERN WELLS: Erect new chimney and flue on gable of house. Erect two-storey side extension. 9 The Moorlands.

MALVERN WELLS: Single-storey rear extension and new pitched roof to create attic extension. 10 The Crescent.

MALVERN WELLS: Fell several trees in accordance with the accompanying schedule. 90 Wells Road.

RIPPLE: Replacement thatch using reed. Vine Cottage, Baughton, Earls Croome.

UPTON and HANLEY: Certificate of lawfulness for a proposed use for the erection of a garage. 35 Upton Gardens, Upton.

UPTON and HANLEY: Development of site to provide 13 affordable houses, a mixture of flats, single-storey house and two-storey three-bedroom houses. Land at Picken End, Hanley Swan.

UPTON and HANLEY: Non-illuminated traditional timber fascia with internally-illuminated 'Boots' lozenge and applied vinyl text and graphics. New bracket timber hanging panel and applied vinyl. 12 High Street, Upton.

UPTON and HANLEY: Non-illuminated traditional timber fascia, new bracket, timber hanging panel. 12 High Street, Upton. (Listed Building Consent).

ALFRICK and LEIGH: Conservatory on rear elevation. 29 Hop Pole Green, Leigh Sinton.

ALFRICK and LEIGH: Construction of horticultural polythene tunnels. New House Farm, Bransford.

POWICK: Single storey extension. 16 Upper Ferry Lane, Callow End.

POWICK: Removal of condition 2 of planning permission 08/01622/FUL - Rooflight to be glazed with obscure glass. The Old Coach House, Old Malvern Road, Powick.