CHILDCARE experts, businessmen and professionals have joined forces to help save the troubled Malvern Hills Outdoor Centre.

The future of the popular children's recreation centre is in doubt after its owner Worcestershire County Council named it as a victim of £8m of cuts.

Worcestershire Outdoor Education Development Association (WOEDA), a 24-strong group of local people, are determined not to see it close.

The group was set up three years ago to support outdoor children's programmes but has focused its work on the centre after hearing of its predicament.

WOEDA is about to gain charitable status, and members are keen to generate money through grants, to put towards the estimated £1.7m needed to replace the centre's dilapidated buildings.

They have also been lobbying the county council to direct funding set aside for children's outdoor activities, towards the centre.

Group spokesman Charles Eden, a part-time supply teacher, said the centre was a valuable asset to the community.

"I think the centre's closure will have an enormous effect on the children and families here.

"It promotes healthy outdoor activities for children, who might be used to sitting in front of televisions."

Liz Eyre, cabinet member with responsibility for children and young adults, said a report into the centre had been handed to the chief executive last week.

The management committee would soon meet to discuss it.

A glimmer of hope was raised when the Youth Hostels Association showed interest in the centre, but Mrs Eyre said it had not been in touch since.

She urged anyone with an interest in the centre to call her at the council on 01905 763763 or e-mail eeyre@