MODEL brides are being sought by Birtsmorton Court to show off designer dresses in its new marketing literature.

The medieval moated-manor is hosting its spring wedding fair on Sunday from 11am to 3pm.

During the event, Kathryn and Simon Dawes, directors of Birtsmorton Court Ltd, will be scouting for young wannabe models, both male and female, to feature in the new brochure and online.

The most suitable novice models will be invited to a photoshoot at the court later in the month, where they will be styled, dressed and put in front of a professional photographer to capture classic and atmospheric pictures that will depict the various moods of brides and grooms.

The photos will then be professionally printed and presented to the models, starting their portfolio of professional modelling work.

For more information, go along to the Birtsmorton Court spring wedding fair and garden party and register with the Birtsmorton Court Ltd team before 2pm. The winner will be chosen shortly afterwards.

Entrance costs £2, including tea and refreshments.