THE president, Rosemary Bayles, welcomed members and visitors back after the summer break, and introduced Esther Simpson from Eardisland who demonstrated four lovely flower displays which were raffled at the end.

One tip she had was always to pick or select flowers and foliage the day before and plunge them into a bucket of water overnight to soak up water before being arranged.

The corsage competition was won by Sue Hall who also gave the vote of thanks.

The members would like to got out for Christmas dinner this year so the committee will look for a venue.

Four members plus husbands are visiting Moccas Park on October 7 for a “fungus foray”

identifying mushrooms.

Rosemary encouraged members to make as many entries as possible in the autumn show next month, which will be judged by Saltmarshe WI.

Teas were served by Jenny Rees and Maureen Reeve.

The next meeting will be the autumn show held on Thursday, October 11, in the Parish Hall, at 7.30pm. For further information please telephone 01531 640 622. New members are always welcome.