CRADLEY WI president Di Cale welcomed members for a special evening.

It began with an outline of events that members can enjoy in the coming month.

The lunch club will meet on October 11 at the home of Linda Handley.

There will be a five-mile walk from Croft Castle to Berrington Hall on November 5. This will be followed by lunch at Berrington Hall, and members can walk or be transported back to Croft Castle. The cost is £7.

On November 19, there is an International Evening at Tarrington Village Hall, cost £10. Members are promised a feast of British food.

Finally, there will be a trip to Waddesdon Manor with a special Christmas tea. The cost will be £29.50 for National Trust members, and £12 for non-members.

Contact Pat Brewer for more details.

Speaker Clare Dawkins, assisted by her partner John, then gave a cookery demonstration.

She promised an evening of new tastes and ideas for a spread of canapés to delight any party.

Members were offered a taste of every dish she made and enjoyed many new taste sensations.

Original ideas for presentation delighted members as they sampled each creation.

The next meeting is on October 4, when Margaret Harris will be giving members ideas for making cards.