STAFF and children at a local primary school are celebrating after receiving a glowing Ofsted inspection.

Eldersfield Lawn CE Primary School, in Corse Lawn, has been deemed “outstanding” in all areas.

Ofsted inspector Clive Lewis, who spent two days at the school, praised the “outstanding education”

offered to pupils, adding that the school plays a “central part in the community and is valued greatly by parents and carers, all of whom are happy with their children’s experiences.”

Mr Lewis found teaching to be of a consistently high quality and praised headteacher David Paisley’s “thoughtful and inspirational leadership which underpins the success of the school”.

He is supported by a “strong and experienced” team of staff and governing body, while “acute and rigorous evaluation of all aspects of the school’s provision”

helps to ensure its strong performance.

His report says pupils have well-developed personal skills and are outstandingly wellbehaved, with their enthusiasm for school reflected in strong attendance figures. Attainment at Key Stages is significantly above the national average, but standards of writing by the end of year six are not quite as high as those for reading and maths.

Mr Lewis said this was because, very occasionally, teachers do not encourage pupils to practice their writing skills in different subjects. Mr Paisley said he was “absolutely delighted” that the school had managed to build upon its last Ofsted inspection, five years ago, when it was rated “good”.

“I think that it is a reflection of the hard work and the dedication of the staff, pupils, governors and parents all pulling in the same direction,” he said.