THE September meeting started with a talk by David Wornham about Personal Safety on the Road.

David showed a video which he stopped at intervals to explain and expand on various aspects and comments were made by members.

The video included advice on using taxis, parking our cars both in the street and multi-storey car parks, driving on the roads and what to do in the event of a breakdown.

He urged us to use our sixth sense at all times and if in doubt not to use that taxi or to park elsewhere or drive past an apparent accident or breakdown and contact the police about it.

He stressed that while actually driving your vehicle you should keep your distance from the vehicle in front.

Use the two second rule which you can estimate by saying “Only a fool breaks the two-second rule”.

In wet weather you need to allow four seconds.

David said that when we get older we can lose the ability to judge speed and distance so, if in doubt, don’t pull out and it’s better to drive slowly than make an error.

He recommended taking either short sessions or a full course of advanced driving and mentioned that the people who take these courses range from 17 to 90 plus.

The next meeting will be on October 2 when we will have a talk about energy conservation in the home and this will be at the United Reformed Church Hall (rear entrance) in Malvern Link, doors open 10am, start 10.30am.

New Members and visitors are always welcome.

For more information, please phone Jill Thompson on 01684 566540.