Yesterday morning the death occurred at Malvern Hospital of Mr Frank Kent, of West Malvern, who, whilst walking along the Cradley Road on Sunday evening, accompanied by his son-in-law, was knocked down by a bicycle ridden by a lad named Baker, who had a boy named Bullock on the step of his machine. Mr Kent received serious injuries to his head, and was rendered unconscious.

Malvern Gazette, September 20, 1912.


Notices posted up on various parts of Malvern state, 'surveyors now at work'. The announcement goes on to say that national development requires up-to-date plans. For this purpose, a new survey is bring carried out under the authority of the Ordnance Survey Acts, and the public are asked to cooperate by giving the surveyors every assistance in the performance of their duties.

Malvern Gazette, September 21, 1962.


Upton's Hill School is likely to be closed and sold as part of merger proposals with hanley castle High School because it should raise more than the sale of the older Hanley property. In view of the uncertainty of ownership, it is unlikely that buildings or land at Hanley which belong to its Foundation Governors, could be sold to finance building at the Hill, but the Hill site could be sold for a substantial capital receipt.

Malvern Gazette, September 25, 1987.