MAY I add my support to the letter from Charles Eden re the proposals to build at least 1,000 houses in the Malvern Town area.

Developers are in the business of making money, therefore they have little, or no regard, for local opinion. Politicians have no views beyond the next election, and do not think long term.

One wonders if any serious thought has been given to the required infrastructure.

1,000 houses means about 2,000 extra vehicles, at least 2,000 extra residents requiring medical facilities, educational needs, power and water supplies, council services, parking facilities for shopping, the stretching of police and emergency services, etc.

I find politicians, planners and developers rarely, if ever, answer these questions satisfactorily. There is a culture of, ‘we know best’, which emanates from the very top and filters all the way down to local levels.

We need to keep fighting these proposals.
