AT the May meeting, after Jerusalem was sung, Jill, our president, read the minutes and correspondence.

Members then discussed the destination for the annual outing in August.

It was provisionally agreed they would go to Whitlenge Gardens and Tearoom but would wait until the June meeting before confirming this so that absent members could be consulted.

Jill then read the resolution regarding the employment of more midwives in England and Wales.

Members agreed with the resolution and voted in favour. After the draw for the raffle, members had a break for coffee and then enjoyed some social time.

They also employed their brains trying to work out a wordsearch puzzle – there was complete silence (very unusual), only broken by the odd mutter.

Joan was declared the winner and presented with a small prize.

Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at the United Reformed Church Hall (rear entrance) in Malvern Link, doors open 10am, start 10.30am.

For more information please phone Jill Thompson on 01684 566540.