THE 49th annual meeting took place on Tuesday, April 24. Vice-chairman Liffy Curtis opened the meeting as Chairman Vivienne Hewett was unable to attend.

Secretary Mary Davis read the chairman’s report in which she stated it had been a good year and moving to Hanley Swan had proved successful.

The outings had been enjoyed by everyone, as well as the workshops, and she thanked everyone for their help in the past year.

Vivienne is retiring as chairman and wished the new committee every success in the coming year.

The secretary reported that a very good and varied programme had been enjoyed by everyone and hoped the same for the following year. This was her last report as she is retiring from the committee. Mary has been a member since 1984.

Janet Carter explained her treasurer’s report in detail.

Donations were given to charity in memory of two members.

Subscriptions will increase to £24.

The visitors fee will remain at £4.

Election of committee – chairman Liffy Curtis, secretary Judy Smith, treasurer Janet Carter, committee members Jean Morris, Sandra Sarkey, Carol Pike, Eleane Goddard, and Pat Lamb, programme secretary Christine Peer and social secretary Mary Martin.

The sales table will be in the capable hands of Ann Oldfield, Maggie Harris and Rosie Thompson.

The meeting closed at 2.35 pm. This was followed by a talk on plants given by Judy Aldridge and a quiz naming different shrubs which was won by Mary Martin and Eleane Goddard .

The competition was ‘Something from the garden’. Jean Morris won first prize.

The next meeting is on May 22 at 2pm at Hanley Swan Village Hall. Jo Jacobs will give a demonstration entitled ‘Just for you’.

All visitors are welcome and as Judy Aldridge reminded us, all flower arranging means “flowers, fun and friends”.