A CHANGE to the way proceeds from Malvern Rotary Club’s annual fund-raising pancake race are allocated has already seen a swell of new entries.

This year, for the first time, any charity that enters a team into the race will be able to retain 100 per cent of its sponsorship money to benefit its own cause.

Teams not directly from a charity can nominate 50 per cent of their sponsorship to a cause of their choice, with the other half used by Rotary to support local initiatives.

The race will be taking place in Priory Park from 12.30pm-2pm on Tuesday, February 14, and is for teams of four of any age over 15.

Fancy dress is welcome but not obligatory and pans and pancakes will be provided.

Entry forms can be obtained from Malvern Library, Malvern Tourist Information Centre, The Splash, or by calling 01684 862430.

Brian Curtis, the lead organiser, said: “The change we have made with sponsorship is already attracting teams who have not taken part before and so we are hoping for another excellent turnout for the event.

“We are also hoping that, like last year, there will be a Toddlers’ Race, for youngsters aged three-five, which would be held at 11.30am.

“No entry charge, fund-raising or sponsorship will apply.”