I WAS saddened to read that Ledbury’s deputy mayor, councillor Tony Bradford, was so set against spending a little money to celebrate this year’s Diamond Jubilee.

It was reported that he said ‘the Queen has lots of money and palaces’. I was unsure as to how this comment related in any way to the issue in hand: planning the town’s marking of the Queen’s jubilee.

Whether you are a monarchist or republican in your stance, the fact remains that the Queen has been Sovereign for 60 years in 2012.

Throughout this time she has devoted herself to the country and Commonwealth. Even now, in her mid-80s, she maintains a full and active schedule of engagements.

One thing we do well in this country is pomp, ceremony and monarchy.

This is one of the things that marks out the UK in the world and it is something to be cherished rather than snubbed.

The monarchy brings many thousands of tourists to this country each year, which in turn has a significant positive impact on the economy even in austere times.

Now in terms of what Ledbury should do, I recommend that Coun Bradford sits at the back of the council meetings and keeps silent whilst the other councillors get on with planning how the town marks the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee – only the second monarch in the history of the country to achieve this.
