I HAVEN'T heard about any Royal Wedding street parties in West Malvern, but, for those who would like to celebrate the event, there is a party at the Social Club. Everyone is welcome - it starts at 8.30pm and will have a free buffet; singer Gary James is providing the entertainment.

One of the things mentioned at the recent Annual Parish Meeting, was the retirement of the two Parish Tree Wardens after 15 years in the job – well done them! You may or may not have been aware of them or their role in the village; but, the Tree Warden Scheme is a national initiative to enable people to play an active role in conserving and enhancing their local trees and woods. The scheme was founded by the Tree Council and is co-ordinated by the County Council. Tree Wardens are volunteers, appointed by Parish Councils or other community organisations, who gather information about their local trees, get involved in local tree matters and encourage local practical projects to do with trees and woods. One of our wardens has already retired and the other intends to go at the end of the summer. I understand that spring/summer is a good time to learn about what is involved – so, a couple of volunteers are needed as soon as possible. Staying in the job for 15 years must mean that it is both rewarding and interesting work, and Janet Whittlestone will be happy to tell you more about what is involved – tel: 572384. Alternatively you can contact the Parish Clerk for further information – 573213 or via mrdasharp@btinternet.com Do you fancy a trip to Oxford - a stroll round the colleges, a visit to the new Ashmolean Museum or even a punt on the river? If so, Saturday, May 21 is the date that the Malvern Hills Community Foundation charity is organising a coach trip from Malvern to Oxford. The cost is £10 per person and pick-up points can be arranged in Ledbury, Colwall, West Malvern, Link Top etc. To reserve a ticket or to get more details please ring 01684 567881.

Tomorrow is the last Saturday of the month; that means we have the opportunity to discuss any village issues with a Parish Councillor at the Regents College Coffee shop between 10am and noon. At the Parish Meeting it was decided that this practice should continue for the time being, so we must make sure that we take advantage of their availability, and not leave them sitting alone all morning!

There will be a Memorial and Thanksgiving Service at St James’s Church on Sunday,May 8 at 6.30pm. You are warmly invited to join others in remembering loved ones no longer with us, and give thanks for their lives. If you would like to talk about the service, please get in touch with Reverend David Nichol on 561126 or Reverend Rosemary Herbert on 572497.