JUNE welcomed members to the meeting.

Marilyn was doing the raffle this evening and from now on the books will be set up three monthly instead of at each meeting. June had reported to the Parish Council Meeting. Janet was organising the lunch at The Red Lion, Stiffords Bridge.

Leigh and Bransford Primary School Fete – more volunteers needed. Waitrose, Cheltenham outing on July 18 – Food demo, glass of wine and tasting - £5. Minibus transport £7-£8 each should make it more accessible to members!

Elizabeth reported on her day as delegate at the AGM at Three Counties Showground. The skittles team had recently lost a game against Alfrick, but it had been a tight match. Notices were given out and a birthday posy presented to Shirley Smith and there was also one for Pauline Phillips, who was absent. A beautiful basket of flowers was presented to Pauline Smith as she and Mike were celebrating their Golden Anniversary.

The speaker, Stephen Birch, talked about his career in Trading Standards in Worcestershire. Mary Lou thanked Steve for an interesting talk. Afterwards members had coffees and cakes. The raffle was drawn and Elizabeth won the Something Purple Competition with a purple pansy. Next month the competition is Something Blue.