THE talk on Tuesday, April 5 entitled Sugar and Spice and all things Nice by Dr. Murray Mylechreest was most interesting and informative, covering the whole spectrum of plants, vegetables, fruit, herbs, and spices from all over the world,. These ranged from sugar-beet and staples such as oats, wheat, rice and potatoes, to herbs, flowers, and trees, with the nutritional and medicinal attributes of everything specified. It is now being realised that old wives' tales contain much wisdom, and pharmaceutical firms are using natural substances more and more, with great effect. The five plants which are considered to have benefited human-kind most are: quinine, potatoes, sugar cane, cotton, and tea.

President Jill Thompson gave the vote of thanks. After refreshments she then conducted the official part of the meeting, reading out the minutes of the last meeting, and correspondence. The stall at the mini-market had made £70.

Jill drew attention to the bulb scheme, and the two WI Resolutions chosen for 20ll, which will be debated at the next meeting in May. These are Proposed Mega Farms (factory farming), and The closure of local libraries.

Members were asked to consider Eardisley Village Festival, to be held in August, as a possible August outing choice. This to be decided at the next meeting.

Sheila Hawkins, as delegate, then gave a comprehensive report on the AGM which had taken place in March in Malvern.

The competition was won by Joan Avery, and the raffle by Hilda Bartlett. The next meeting, to discuss the Resolutions, will take place on Tuesday, May 3, at 10.30am. There will be a plant stall. Visitors most welcome.