MALVERN Hills Aflame was the headline in the Gazette 100 years ago. "On Saturday night, about 10.30, a serious gorse fire broke out on the western side of the hills, near the Colwall Park Quarry.

"The flames spread rapidly in the direction of the Wyche , burning everything before them, the huge conflagration, which lighted up the landscape over a considerable area being seen many miles away.

"As the Royal Well Brewery seemed to be in danger, the manager, Mr Victor Lay, summoned the Fire Brigade, The Wyche section responded smartly to the call, but did not use the hose. They, however, remained in the vicinity until 3 am on Sunday morning , when the fire burned out.

"A large stretch of land between the Colwall Park Quarry and the brewery now presents a black and uninviting spectacle.

"There was another fire on Sunday evening above Broomhill Private Hotel. It occured about 9.30 and soon assumed large proportions. Had it not been for the hard work of the villagers, who beat the gorse and kept the fire within limits, damage to the establishment might have occured.

"Before Colonel Twynam, at the Police Court on Monday morning, Charles Pitt (30) labourer, of Hill Cottage, West Malvern, was charged with maliciously firing gorse at West Malvern.

"PC Lloyd stated that he was on the hills at 11pm, in plain clothes, in company with a private individual, when he saw prisoner come up to a gorse bush. Some gorse was burning, and prisoner ignited a bush by pushing lighted gorse under it.

"This gorse would not have been affected by the fire if prisoner had not lighted it, as the wind was blowing in an opposite direction. Witness was within a yard on the prisoner, whom he arrested and conveyed to the police station. Accused was remanded, bail being allowed, himself in £50 and and two sureties of £25 each."