WHILST visiting a friend of mine at his home in West Malvern recently, the Conservative candidate in the forthcoming County Council election called at his door. After my friend had spoken to him he showed me the candidate's leaflet.

I was amazed to see that the candidate was Phil Grove. Amazed because Phil Grove is my District Councillor in Tenbury Wells. He was elected two years ago promising to represent me and the people of Tenbury with "100% commitment".

Amazed because in the leaflet he now claims to be Malvern's "Local Champion".

It beggars belief!

Is he changing horses halfway through the race? Does he think he can serve two masters? And it begs the question - in which town will he next turn up claiming to be a "Local Champion" and promising voters his 100% commitment?

P DAVIES, Stoke Bliss, Worcestershire.