A MALVERN resident has reported seeing a Muntjac Deer in the Wells area. At one time these deer were a familiar site in Hampshire and the southern counties but they have gradually moved up country. They are the smallest of the deer to be seen in Britain, looking rather like a large dog but obviously with ‘deer’ features.

Young children turned up at the library in their pyjamas on Tuesday, April 14 clutching their favourite night-time soft-toys and snuggled down on the carpet in the library café, with their parents, to hear librarian Jo read them a bedtime story. One child found the stairs more exciting and made an escape-bid on all fours whilst another was fast asleep within seconds but the majority were attentive and thoroughly enjoyed the story, possibly going home too excited to sleep! Jo was encouraged by the turnout and is planning to repeat the exercise on May 26 from 6.30pm to 7.0pm.

The Wells and Wyche Playgroup leaders have got some exciting activities planned for the children this half term. The rising fives who will be starting school in September will be making accompanied visits to their prospective schools to get an idea of what big school is all about. This past week has concentrated on sensory play and next week there is a French week where the children will get the chance to try different but typically French foods. The parents are very good at contributing materials for the children’s craft activities but if you run a business that is regularly recycling new materials that you think the playgroup could use, you are urged to contact the leaders at the playgroup on 07890 762035. Items such as paper or card off-cuts, pieces of material, oddments of wool, braid and small pieces of wood that can be glued together would be much appreciated. In fact anything that you think inventive playgroup leaders can use in their stream of creative ideas to help the children learn through play, would be gratefully received.

Monday, April 27 at 8.30pm is your chance to be a pop-star once again at the Wyche Inn Open Mic Night. The past few events have been well attended and owners Loredana and Anthony are looking for a full house that night to support those brave enough to give it a go! There is no excuse because they provide the equipment, all you need to do is play or sing!

Next week, last minute preparations will be made for dressing the Wyche Spout, the Royal Well and other wells in the area ready for the May Bank Holiday weekend. It is hoped that around 30 wells will be decorated by volunteers to mark this increasingly popular annual event – the ancient tradition that enables people to say thank-you for the natural pure water that they drink.

If you had to make a decision about your refuse collection would you opt for the current plastic sacks or for wheelie bins? That is the question! Those of you living on the Old Wyche Road and those with steep drives may not have a choice due to the possible dangers of run away bins!