OWNERS of a missing Bosnian Dachshund who went missing in Pershore have said they have not given up hope - despite no confirmed sightings in almost six weeks. 

Gracie, who went missing in Pershore on September 8, has not been officially spotted for over a month now despite media attention from Jane Fallon, comedian Ricky Gervais' girlfriend.

Owners, Michael Anthony and Gaynor Rogers, have not given up hope although admitting that she could be anywhere in the area. 

Mr Anthony, who has now moved back to Bristol after a month of unsuccessful searches, said that he would drop everything in an instant if he was informed of a confirmed sighting. 

The couple have been informed of a number of "partial sightings" where a member of the public thought it could be Gracie but have not seen the Bosnian Dachshund since they flew back the day after she went missing. 

The last confirmed sighting was on Walcott Lane, where the couple held a "weekend search party" on October 5 and October 6, but did not find anything. 

Mr Anthony said: "The last confirmed sighting was on Walcott Lane on September 9. 

"We spent a month on that road and found nothing, so we think she has branched out, it's the one place we are fairly certain she isn't. 

"We have not given up hope, we've postered Pershore and all the surrounding villages. 

"We went to every letterbox and next week we are coming back to Pershore to put up new signs, we have to keep her in peoples conscience."

The couple have received a flood of potential sightings over the last month, one being as far away as Badsey. 

Mr Anthony continued: "We have had loads of people ring up and get in touch over partial sighting, things like it could have been her but the sun was in my eyes. 

"We don't want her to be forgotten and I want to thank everyone who has been helping with her search. 

"Once we get that call that she has been spotted in an area it will be all systems go."

Gracie went missing from her dog sitter in Pershore on September 8 and Michael Anthony and Gaynor Rogers flew back on the next available flight to start the search.

She now also has her own Facebook page, if you spot her call 07804927504 or 07533538754.