‘HERITAGE style’ street lamps could be installed at either end of Upton Bridge.

Funding has been found from Worcestershire County Council to enhance the bridge and welcome visitors into the town.

County councillor Martin Allen managed to secure funding for the project following a visit by West Mercia’s police and crime commissioner and council bosses to Upton.

Before pressing on with the plans, Cllr Allen asked residents for their views on Facebook and was met with an overwhelmingly positive response.

UPGRADE: New lights could be installed at either end of the bridgeUPGRADE: New lights could be installed at either end of the bridge (Image: Martin Allen)

“I was absolutely delighted,” he said. “I didn’t want to go to the council and accept their offer if people didn’t want this. But I was very proud that people were so pleased with the plan for the lights.

“It was important to get the residents’ backing and they’ve been wonderful - as the people of Upton always are.

“Upton is the smallest town in Worcestershire and punches well above its weight, so we have to do everything we can to help it thrive and succeed - and the county and district councils have to play their part.

“This is about enhancing the entrance to the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty that is the Malvern Hills and a festival town.”

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Cllr Allen initially enquired about the possibility of three-foot tall lights being installed along the bridge itself, in the style of Worcester Bridge.

But the “cost and complexity” involved led to a rethink - so the idea is for two freestanding lamps at either end of the bridge.

“The lighting system at the bridge has not been performing well for a number of years so to replace and upgrade it makes sense,” said Cllr Allen.

“And there are lots of heritage lamps already in Upton - in High Street and Old Street.

“It’s important to make the point that if this money doesn’t come to Upton, it will go somewhere else in the county.

“These funds come from the Project Heart fund, which cannot be used on things like maintenance.”

Cllr Allen said it is also time for Upton Bridge to be repainted and that this will be a priority for him if he’s re-elected as a county councillor next year.