DESPITE promises of thunder and lightning, hundreds of people have attended a show that aims to teach people the non-Hollywood version of the past. 

Dark clouds, intermittent bursts of rain and small levels of mud did not deter hundreds of people from attending this year's Worcestershire Living History Show. 

The show had over 800 re-enactors spread across two action-packed days (September 21 + 22) and aimed to teach visitors about the past. 

Brian Bullock Brian Bullock (Image: Newsquest)

Brain Bullock, one of the show's organisers, said: "The weather has been a bit unkind but we were forecast to have thunder and lightning so at least we've missed that. 

"We haven't had great numbers today but we had hundreds yesterday (September 21) which was more than last year as we also had terrible weather then. 

"This is our second event on Fish Meadow, Upton upon Severn, but we have been going for over 15 years and it's a great event to put on. 

"It's for everyone to enjoy, the re-enactors love performing and love teaching the public the non-Hollywood version of history." 

On Sunday (September 22), visitors could enjoy a show explaining the history of weaponry, from the bow and arrow to a machine gun as well as a full re-enactment of the Battle of Gettysburg and much more. 

Living villages, stalls, and food vendors were also available for visitors to peruse.

 Yaron Thau, who was dressed as a member of The British Royal Horse Artillery Unit from the Battle of Waterloo, said: "We are loving it. 

"The weather hasn't made a difference to us and it's good to see people learning about our past. 

"I personally enjoy re-enacting because I like making my own equipment such as this cannon and seeing them operate authentically."

Despite huge crowds not turning out for the show, everyone who braved the weather talked about how much they were enjoying the unblocked views and noted how much they were learning.

Mark and Mike ForsterMark and Mike Forster (Image: Newsquest)  Mark Forster, who had travelled down from Manchester just to visit, said: "I'm a re-enactor but I focus on medieval so it's nice to see something different. 

"I deal with swords and shields whereas these guys use guns. 

"This is our first time here and we have found it very interesting, our favourite part has to be the Battle of Gettysburg."