A TEAM of police officers are delivering emergency vehicles to The Gambia.

Five West Mercia Police officers set off from Defford on a 3,000 mile journey to help 65 volunteers transport 20 fire engines and ambulances in convoy to the African continent.

After travelling across Spain and Gibraltar, the convoy will board a ferry to Morocco and drive through Western Sahara, Mauritania and Senegal before reaching The Gambia.

Before setting off on Thursday (September 12), Inspector Dan Poucher said: "We are looking forward to carrying out this important mission to help communities less fortunate than ours in The Gambia.

"We completed a similar trip in 2022 and it was truly one of the most humbling experiences of my life

"This will be an emotional return for many of us.

"I’ve no doubt the people of The Gambia will once again be extremely grateful to receive these disused emergency vehicles."