A WOMAN was arrested after an estimated street value of £2000 worth of drugs was seized.

Police were in Elgar Avenue this morning (Wednesday) after finding cannabis and paraphernalia consistent with drug dealing, mobile phones and cash.

The search led to a 41-year-old woman being arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply class B drugs.

The warrant was carried out by officers from Malvern’s Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT), who were joined by the North Local Policing Priority Team (LPPT).

Segreant Geraint Perkins of Malvern SNT said: “Today’s warrant is a good result for our community.

“Drugs with a street value of an estimated £2000 have been taken off our streets and our actions today will have disrupted the lines of supply within Malvern.”

The woman arrested remains in police custody while enquiries continue.