A FOOTBALL club hit by vandals has taken plans to build an eight-foot security fence to appeal.

Newtown Sports Junior Football Club in Malvern wants to build a fence around its clubhouse, which it says has been the target of anti-social behaviour.

But the scheme was rejected by Malvern Hills District Council, which said the height and location of the fence would be harmful to the area.

The football club has now appealed to the planning inspectorate, which has the power to overturn the council’s decision.

In an appeal letter, the club says it has “continually” had to repair parts of the clubhouse that have been “damaged by youths”.

Broken items that have had to be repaired or replaced include shutter doors, glass panels on the main entrance door, a metal bike rack, slabs, a light cover, guttering and goal posts.

Photos show graffiti and damage to the clubhouse building itself.

“Putting fencing up around the clubhouse is a last resort for the club, but one that is necessary,” the letter states.

“The clubhouse needs to be secure from anti-social behaviour, the fencing will enable the club to invest in fixing/maintaining and ensuring the facility is looked after and enjoyed by the many that use it, the kids, the local community.”

The club says a lot of thought was put into the application and believed it to be “reasonable, ensuring the building was secured whilst at the same time being sympathetic to the surrounding area”.

It says the proposed fence would be close to the clubhouse so wouldn’t take away any green space.

It added: “The club is very fortunate to have the support of many locals, many of whom live on the doorstep, support what the club does for the local community, for the 400 kids who play football, maintaining the fields, looking after the surrounding green space so everyone can enjoy it.”

Neighbours keep an eye on the club and have reported anti-social behaviour to the police, the club says, and coaches carry out regular checks of the area, disposing of broken glass and beer bottles.

“The fencing will help deter the anti-social behaviour as the fencing will be beyond the canopy,” the letter states.

“The canopy is where they hang out, as it’s undercover come rain or shine, by deterring the youths hanging out at the clubhouse, will hopefully deter all the broken glass etc that they leave behind.”