A MAN who can fit his hands in large gaps left after 'too small' windows were fitted in his house claims he is being threatened with eviction.

Nigel Cleall, 52, of Nash Close, Martley, is unhappy with the solution Platform Housing has suggested and refuses to let it carry out the work.

Instead, the 52-year-old wants Platform Housing to replace the windows but claims he is being threatened with eviction if he doesn't let them fill and then put cladding over the gaps.

"They put new windows into the house last November, but the windows are the wrong size.

“I’ve got gaps that are five to seven centimetres wide between the window and the wall.

“I can fit my hand into the gaps they are so wide, and the size of the gaps aren’t even consistent.”

Mr Cleall previously measured the width of the gap in the building as 82cm, however, the new windows that have been fitted in his home are between 75cm and 77cm.

"I'm not blaming the contractors, as they can only work with what they're given," he said.

Platform Housing said it is working with Mr Cleall to find a solution.

Expanding foam has been sprayed to fill the gaps between the windows and walls, but Mr Cleall is not keen: "I was told that they could either fill the space with expanding foam or use plastic.

"When I asked for the plastic, I was told no and that they preferred the foam."

Mr Cleall said his house was built as a pre-fabricated home in the 1950s and was only supposed to last two decades before being replaced.

"They were going to put cladding on and hide the foam fillings and I told them absolutely not.

"I told them that it is absolutely unacceptable but Platform Housing won't do anything about it.

"All I want is the work to be done properly, but Platform is now threatening to evict me because I won't let them hide it."

A spokesperson for Platform Housing said: "We are continuing our conversations with Mr Cleall to tackle the issues he has raised and have already discussed possible ways forward and solutions with him."