MALVERN Hills Trust has urged those with concerns about its mooted private bill to come forward and talk to them as it prepares to draft its response to a consultation on the plans.

At a special board meeting on Thursday, August 8, trustees gave a communications group the green light to prepare a draft report setting out its response to the two-month consultation in the near future.

After an initial review by a working group, the communications team will then draft its response to the consultation which will then be considered and approved by the trust board in September. 

The mooted bill has been the subject of much controversy, with many campaigners feeling it could negatively impact the Malvern Hills.

Others feel the trust's plan to cut the number of elected trustees to six could lead to 'taxation without representation.' 

At Thursday's meeting, the trust's new chair John Michael said it was open to continue to speak with anyone with concerns about the bill moving forward. 

Mr Michael also thanked people and organisations that took part in the consultation process, as well as staff and trustees reviewing the results.

He added: "This provides the trust with up-to-date views and concerns on the private bill. 

"We are open to discussing with anyone who has expressed concerns, even with those who have signalled they don't wish to be contacted. 

"It is the trust's desire to embrace as many views as possible and talk through any misconceptions that may be held."

Trust CEO Deborah Fox added the organisation would be taking people's responses into consideration very carefully. 

Campaigners were up in arms before the meeting after not being allowed to participate as public speakers.

But Mr Michael said people have been allowed to speak at meetings in the past and would be again at the meeting on September 12.

He added public speakers were only off the agenda this time so people's consultation responses could be carefully considered.

Susan Satchell, who works for the trust, said there were 483 validated responses from people in the consultation as well as 23 from organisations. 

What happens next?

At Thursday's meeting, the trustees also resolved that the trust's parliamentary agent will continue to draft the parts of the bill not impacted by the trustee review.

Proposals for review have been put together in two schedules summarising the responses of both people and organisations. 

Trustees now have until 4pm on Thursday, August 15 to notify the governance change officer if they wish to add to that list.

From there, a working group of David Core, John Michael, Mike Wilkinson and Sheila Wren will carry out an initial review and report back to the board via workshops. 

This will be followed by a special board meeting in mid-September, and then a communications group will prepare the draft report.