INCREASED government housing targets will present a “significant challenge” for councils in south Worcestershire.

And proposed planning reforms may mean the area’s planning blueprint will need to be updated as soon as it is finished.

The Government’s proposed method for calculating housing need would mean 2,152 homes a year will need to be built across Worcester City, Malvern Hills and Wychavon districts by 2041.

But the current housing methodology, produced under the existing National Planning Policy Framework, plans for only 1,193 homes a year - an annual shortfall of 959.

The South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP) Review is currently at the examination stage, where it is being independently scrutinised by the Planning Inspectorate.

The three councils hope to be able to adopt the plan by the end of 2025.

The Government has confirmed the plan can continue through the examination phase - but because of the potentially significant shortfall, planners may have to start work on a new review immediately after it is approved.

Housing secretary and deputy prime minister Angela Rayner has admitted councils may have to tear up development plans in order to make Labour’s “radical” plans work - including mapping out new green belt boundaries.

READ MORE: South Worcestershire Development Plan delayed by inspectors

READ MORE: Worcestershire MP responds to Chancellor's housing pledge

Cllr Paul Middlebrough, executive board member for planning, infrastructure and urban design at Wychavon District Council, said: “While it is welcome news the current SWDP Review can continue through to the examination phase, the increase in housing numbers will represent a significant challenge and concern to communities across the area.

“It remains critical any attempt to drive up housing numbers comes with the necessary infrastructure and a focus on good design.

“We look forward to seeing what help the Government will offer to support the delivery of key settlements like Worcestershire Parkway.” 

Julie Wood, portfolio holder for strategic planning, economic development and tourism at Malvern Hills District Council, said: “We have some concerns regarding the proposed housing methodology and weakening of protections for the green belt.

“There are, though, some aspects of the proposals which we welcome and thanks to the forward-thinking and proactive approach we have taken to planning across South Worcestershire we are in a strong position to deal with this increased demand for housing from the Government.”