I WAS surprised to read that West Worcestershire MP Harriett Baldwin, who was recently elected with a substantially-reduced majority, is determined to focus on flood prevention and flood relief. 

For over 20 years, Mary Long-Dhonau, who has previously had her home flooded on more than one occasion, has been championing this cause over the whole county. 

Mary has single-handedly informed communities with regard to flood prevention and flood relief and also campaigned for flood defences to be improved — for example in Upton and the surrounding villages. 

Not only has Mary worked tirelessly in this way but she has also become a national expert on flooding issues, travelling the length and breadth of the country in the Floodmobile, working with the Environment Agency, addressing members of parliament and giving interviews to the media. 

Mary’s work has been recognised with an OBE and also by an honorary doctorate from the University of West England. 

If Mrs Baldwin or indeed anyone would like to find out more, I suggest looking on Mary’s website at floodmary.com. Harriett credits herself for the many flood defences that have been built in her constituency.

However, credit should instead be given to the many volunteers in community flood groups who, with the support of Mary Long-Dhonau, have campaigned tirelessly to make them happen with no input at all from Mrs Baldwin

I suggest Mrs Baldwin becomes better informed of the issues and concerns of the people in her constituency so she can engage with the things that matter in a meaningful way rather than issuing bland generalities that are too little too late.

Linda Hardwick


I AM compelled to come to Harriett Baldwin MP’s defence against a ridiculous letter from Linda Hardwick (July 25) where she states that Mary Long-Dhonau has done more for flood defences in our district than Harriett.

How wrong this is!

I have worked as a councillor for Ripple and Upton for the last nine years and throughout that time I have seen Harriett fight to improve flood defences.

I have attended meetings with highways and the Environment Agency around flooding in Upton and the Hanley Road and Harriett has been at every one.

Even in June, Harriett was engaged with residents in Naunton regarding drainage problems in the village caused by flooding and water run-off, speaking directly to Severn Trent to understand and resolve the issue.

I know that Mary Long-Dhonau is a flood consultant and needs publicity to earn a living but please don’t do that at the expense of a great MP who was re-elected because she works hard for our area.

Jeremy Owenson
