A MAN trying to get a zebra crossing installed on a 'dangerous' Malvern road has slammed the 'ridiculous' cost it would take, saying the quote would be 'enough to build a four-bedroom house.' 

Adrian Thomas said he was 'hugely concerned' about the dangers of the road between the Malvern Splash Leisure Complex and the two opposite car parks after seeing at least three near misses where children could have been hit by cars. 

A petition to install the crossing on the road, which he dubbed an 'accident waiting to happen', has now gained over 330 signatures. 

He has also received backing from Cllr Beverley Nielsen, who has told him this will cost around £200,000 to install. 

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Cllr Nielsen said she had been provided this figure by Worcestershire County Council's Highways department. 

Mr Thomas said: "I think it is ridiculous it will cost that much, I thought maybe it might cost around £20,000 but you could build a four-bedroom house for £200,000. 

"I am hopeful this zebra crossing could happen as everyone who has signed our petition thinks it's a no-brainer to introduce this as a method to make things safer."

A spokesperson for Worcestershire County Council said the cost estimate includes feasibility studies, design work, labour, materials, power connections, new lighting columns and any legal, traffic management and road closure costs.

The spokesperson added the assessment undertaken indicated that the location falls well below the criteria for a controlled crossing.

Cllr Nielsen added: “I am in no doubt about the strength of feeling regarding this proposal.

“I too support it, however, highways have said it's a costly project as it will require a signal-controlled crossing. 

"It would also be a staggered crossing, positioned away from the car park exit and requiring a U-turn away from and returning back to the Splash entrance. 

“However, I have pointed out to Highways that many pedestrians are parking up in the Priory Road car park and crossing the road to access not only the Splash but Priory Park and the Theatres complex, as well as the town centre more generally.  

"It is therefore a critical crossing point for many thousands of people, including families and children."