SEVERN Trent has moved to re-assure those living on a Malvern road who have noticed 'brown water' pouring out of their taps. 

Disturbed residents living on Howsell Road and the nearby areas were on the phone with the water firm this morning (Monday, June 24) complaining about the discoloured water coming out of their taps.  

The water firm has received six calls from customers raising the issue.

A spokesperson for Severn Trent said it had a team on-site investigating what may be causing the brown water. 

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Members of the Malvern Hills Display Board Facebook group spent the morning and early afternoon expressing their confusion about the issue. 

Members commented that as well as Howsell Road, residents were experiencing similar issues on Quest Hills Road and Somers Road. 

The Severn Trent spokesperson added it was only aware of a 'very small number' of customers experiencing discoloured water. 

Severn Trent said water discolouration was usually no risk to health. 

The spokesperson added: "Discolouration is normally the result of minerals that can settle in our water mains over time and can be disturbed when there's a change of flow or pressure. 

"We would like to reassure you that this is usually no risk to health and should clear over time.”

As well as disturbed minerals, brown water can also be the result of the corrosion of pipes or plumbing issues in the home. 

If tap water is discoloured, people are advised not to run the hot tap water.

They should also stop using dishwashers, washing machines or any other appliances which use their hot water supply.

Most discolouration can quickly be cleared by running the cold water tap for 20 minutes. 

If this doesn't work, turn the tap off, wait 20 minutes and try again.

Visit for more information and advice about brown or orange-coloured water.