Malvern Hills Walking Festival has smashed all its previous records in a fantastic return.

Crowds flocked to the event on Tuesday, June 4 as it marked its 19th year.

More walkers participated in the festival than any other year, with several staying overnight and others enjoying a weekend in Malvern.

With 75 walks on offer, it was the festival's most extensive programme yet.

Chairman Bob Baldwin said: "This year, as our 19th year, has been a brilliant one for the Malvern Walking Festival.

"We have welcomed more walkers than ever before with many staying overnight or for the weekend in Malvern.

"With 75 walks, we have had more than ever before too, covering many different themes."

Mr Baldwin led three walks, including a new addition to the programme - the historical Wars of the Roses Battle of Tewkesbury trail.

Another popular trek was the Three Choirs Way, led by Tim Lawrence, covering the section from Gloucester to Hereford Cathedral over three days.

The last walk saw an evening sunset stroll over the Hills led by David Hawkins, the festival's longest-serving leader.

"We’re grateful to all our volunteer walk leaders who help make the annual Malvern Walking Festival possible, including Beverley whose walk was rated as one of the ‘hard’ ones on our schedule and one of the penultimate on our last day", added Mr Baldwin.

Beverley Nielsen, one of the event's walk leaders for the past four years, and Worcestershire County Councillor, said: "Our group had a wonderful day and it’s a very special thing being able to bring people together through their love of walking and their enjoyment of the Malvern Hills

"I’d like to thank all those who joined me for the day and the organisers of this splendid festival for building it into such an impressive event for our town.

"Our walk which rambled around 10 miles of the southern end of the Malvern hills proved to be a very pleasant experience for everyone with the beautiful weather and good company making for a most memorable day."

The festival will make its 2025 from May 24 to June 1.