BAD Girls are coming to Upton and they are looking to recruit.

Amateur dramatics company The Pepperpot Players have been entertaining audiences at Upton Memorial Hall in Old Street since 1976 and this year are bringing Bad Girls: The Musical to the stage.

Based on the popular television show, it tells the story of the female inmates of Larkhall Prison who band together to deal with corrupt prison officers.

The theatre group say this is one to be a part of with great songs and memorable characters.

They are looking to cast the role of Justin Mattison, a new junior officer.

Bursting with integrity and rather shy, Justin is a target for the older women’s teasing but ultimately helps them to take down Jim Fenner.

The playing age for this character is 20 to 30 and the role demands strong acting skills.

There are also ensemble roles for female inmates and male prison officers.

Due to some sensitive themes and adult language, casting is strictly open to over 18s.

The Pepperpot Players, who were first established by Martin Harker and Roger Corbett Milward in 1976, pride themselves on the quality of their productions and their music is performed live by a band.

For this production, they are also looking to recruit trumpet and clarinet players.

For more information, email