AFTER eight months of misery for people living near a ‘sink hole’ on the edge of Link Top Common in Malvern it has finally been filled in – but residents are not popping the Champagne corks yet

The hole was at the top end of Moorlands Road alongside a footpath on the edge of the common and Helen Milton, who lives close by, has been trying to get help to sort it out as the hole was just getting deeper and wider and filling up with water from the rain and a broken water pipe inside the hole.

It was last October when Mrs Milton first alerted the authorities to the hole. Originally it had three barriers around it, and at the end there were nine.

Malvern Hills Trust and Severn Trent have been investigating the problem and now Severn Trent workmen have gone out to fix the pipe inside the hole and install a manhole cover.

However, Mrs Milton and her neighbours, Jo Minton and Linda Horey are left with destruction caused by the water when the sink hole overflowed.

Ms Minton and Mrs Horey said their access drive has virtually been washed away, channels had been made by the water and car wheels caused to spin and the drive needs to be sorted as soon as possible.

Ms Minton actually had water in the sitting room, and had to have new floor boards and the walls tanked. She is now going to have to get a new carpet.

Mrs Milton said: “While we are pleased the hole has been filled in, we are not celebrating yet.”

A Severn Trent spokesperson said: “Repairs have now been completed to the damaged pipes and we have installed a manhole, allowing the barriers to be removed and the ground reinstated.

“Following extensive investigations, we can confirm that this is a Severn Trent asset, and we continue to work with the Malvern Hills Trust while further investigations take place.

We want to thank the community for their patience while all works have been taking place.”

Deborah Fox, CEO, Malvern Hills Trust, said: "Malvern Hills Trust is pleased to see a resolution for residents.

“The Trust reported the issue to Severn Trent Water when it began in autumn 2023, providing the exact location.

“I am pleased that Severn Trent Water has taken steps to fix the pipe and install a manhole cover for better access in future.

“The Trust will seek to recover its costs incurred to date when the investigations are completed.”