SIR Keir Starmer has delivered a message to Worcester Woman in his city visit - it is time for change

Worcester Woman was used as an example of the kind of voter the Labour Party wanted to attract in its successful general election campaign of 1997 under Tony Blair.

It described a type of woman who was a median voter, a working-class woman in her 30s with two children and who worried about quality-of-life issues and had little interest in politics.

Sir Keir was holding a Q&A at the University of Worcester's recently built medical centre.

Worcester News asked the Prime Minister hopeful what his message was for Worcester Woman in 2024. 

He said: "I would say to Worcester Women and many others across the county that we are a changed Labour party.

"We are a Labour party that is absolutely laser focused on country first and party second and ensuring that politics is about service and putting the service back into the hands of working people.

"I suppose I would say this - we have changed the Labour party, and now we humbly ask to change the country. 

"Finally, I would say to Worcester women if you do want change, then vote for change."