CALLS for the speed limit on a busy Malvern road to be reduced to help clamp down on anti-social drivers have been led by residents.

People who live on or near Townsend Way in Malvern are campaigning for speed restrictions to be implemented along the road.

As it stands the speed limit on Townsend Way is 40mph, but residents want there to be a 30mph limit put in place in one section.

Aside from restricting the speed limit, residents have also called for a crackdown on anti-social car drivers who race their cars on Townsend Way late at night.

Matt Wall, who lives beside Townsend Way, said: “Highways state in correspondence to our local councillor that our homes are set well back from the road justifying the 40mph limit, but they are actually close to the road and there is no sound proofing or additional planting.

"When illegally modified vehicles drive at speed down Townsend Way late at night, they can wake up many in neighbouring households.

“We are pleased that Highways have agreed to place a Vehicle-Activated Sign down the 40mph section of Townsend Way and have asked for our recommendations for a location.

"This is a step in the right direction, but ideally the 30mph speed limit in place towards the Cricket Club needs to be extended to at least between our estate roundabout and the Malvern Spa roundabout to minimise the impact on local residents.”

Mr Wall has taken matters into his own hands by launching a petition on, which has gained 59 signatures from other residents.

Meetings have been held with town councillors to discuss residents' concerns.

Cllr Beverley Nielsen, representing Malvern Langland residents on Worcestershire County Council said: “Earlier this week, I was pleased to meet with Matt Wall and other local councillors and to work with them to promote the issues raised.

"With a good number of residents having signed the petition so far, it’s clear there are some strong feelings on this issue.

“All councillors discussed a 30mph speed limit throughout Townsend Way and noted the challenges many vehicles which have accelerated through the 40mph section of the road face in slowing down sufficiently on approaching the Mansfield and Sandys Roads roundabout, often making it intimidating for other drivers and pedestrians alike.

“Given the poor visibility for vehicles exiting from Mansfield Road, this is causing additional problems.

"Councillors are calling for a series of measures from County Highways including rumble strips on approaching this roundabout, repainting the white lines at this junction and others, improving the visibility at the Mansfield Road junction together with a traffic priority sign at the chicane, and the active involvement of the Neighbourhood Police team in monitoring this situation.”

Cllr Caroline Bovey, responsible for Pickersleigh ward on Malvern Town Council, added reducing the speed limit on Townsend Way would be "a small change which would make a big difference.”

Worcestershire County Council said: “We can confirm we’ve received a request to alter the speed limit at this location and will follow the necessary process in relation to this request.

"We will update the relevant parties in due course.”