A FORMER mayor of Malvern visited Czech partner town Mariánské Lázně (Marienbad) at the invitation of Mayor Martin Huračík.

Cllr. Clive Hooper visited in early May for the annual opening of the Spa Season which included a gala concert by the West Bohemian Symphony Orchestra, a dedication service conducted by Abbot Lobkowicz of Tepla Monastery and an official lunch.

It was followed by visits to other historic and beautiful Bohemian towns within the UNESCO World Heritage Site area, to study tourism developments.

This is the fifth occasion when a mayor of Malvern has accepted the invitation over the thirteen years of the Community Partnership. This visit was privately funded.

Dr Petr Somol, Czech scientist and frequent visitor to Malvern, was delighted to have received two books from Cllr Hooper.

Both had Malvern themes, Most Secret -  Boffins come to Malvern is the lavishly illustrated story of the development of Radar during WWII and inventions that followed, published by M.R.A.T.H.S.

Inspiring Outside the Box is Dr Adrian Burden’s account of the Malvern Festival of Innovation and the importance of developing new ideas.

Both historical aspects and the future of science and technology being particular interests of Dr Somol, a former Research Associate at Cambridge University who worked closely with DERA in Malvern.

Malvern Gazette: PRESENTATION: Dr Somol's scroll on the history of print and typeface design presented to Malvern and now in The British Library.PRESENTATION: Dr Somol's scroll on the history of print and typeface design presented to Malvern and now in The British Library. (Image: Contributed)

The books were presented at The Royal Golf Club Mariánské Lázně, in front of the memorial to King Edward VII, founder of the club in 1905.

In 2002 the club was accorded the title Royal by consent of HM Queen Elizabeth II whose portrait hangs in the club restaurant along with that of King Edward VII.

Dr Somol has given entertaining talks during the Malvern Civic Society’s Midsummer Malvern event in previous years on subjects as diverse as The Position of Scientists and Medical Practitioners under Communism, and The History of Print and Typeface Design with its unusual presentation on a linen scroll which is now part of the British Library collection whose experts described it as authoritative.

Dr Somol has accepted an invitation from Cllr Hooper to talk on Artificial Intelligence; the Opportunities and Safeguards at a time and venue to be arranged.

Mariánské Lázně is one of eleven European Spa UNESCO World Heritage Sites, thought by many to be the most beautiful, with a spa tradition of over 200 years.

At the end of June 2024, the Czech town’s Fontana Choir will be visiting Malvern following the memorable visit of The Hills Singers to Mariánské Lázně in 2018 and the Czech Children's Canzona Choir and Recorder Quartet visit to Malvern in 2015.

Just as music is an integral part of the Czech education system open to all children without charge, therapeutic spa treatments are very much part of the country’s wellbeing approach within the health system.