A MOTHER has called for a pedestrian crossing on a Malvern road after her six-year-old daughter was nearly hit by a car.

Julie Munn, of Bluebell Close, said action must be taken to install a safe pedestrian crossing on a main road before someone is killed.

She is campaigning to have a designated crossing put in place on Guarlford Road, near the turning with Bluebell Close.

Her plea has been influenced after her six-year-old daughter Lilly was recently almost knocked over by a car while crossing the road.

Miss Munn has launched a petition as she fears that an accident is waiting to happen.

"There are a few reasons why I have set up a petition but the main one is my daughter, who is six, was nearly knocked over a couple of weeks ago," she said.

"It can sometimes take 20 to 30 minutes to cross, the traffic may stop either side or not.

"Cars don't look when they pull out of Bluebell Close, they just stream through."

"I think it's disgusting, it's so dangerous. 

"We need some sort of crossing."

The speed limit along Guarlford Road alters from the national speed limit down to 40mph as motorists approach the more built up part of the area.

Miss Munn admits she "thinks of death" when contemplating the dangers of Guarlford Road.

"Imagine if a child got knocked over," she added.

"My heart is always in my mouth. It makes me so mad because I can see it happening.

"The speeds are shocking - it's a frightening road."

Miss Munn's petition has already gained more than 100 signatures that she hopes will continue to increase in numbers.

She says Guarlford Road has been a dangerous stretch of road for a "very long time", estimating around three to four years.

"We need to do something before someone gets killed," she said.

"It's going to happen one of these days.

"It should have be done a long time ago. 

"You have kids on bikes crossing as well.

"Parents at my daughter's school have told me that I have done the right thing."

Miss Munn has contacted West Worcestershire MP Harriet Baldwin to inform her of her petition.

"It's about making it safe for everyone, it's not just for my daughter's benefit.

"I just want as many people to get behind this to get the ball rolling.

"I'm going all the way until it's done."

You can access the petition by visiting this link: https://shorturl.at/MgCdy.

Worcestershire County Council said: “The site was assessed in 2023 and the desired position was found to be unsuitable.

"This is due to the limited space to construct a crossing at this location and the proximity with the junction of Bluebell Close.”