Are you being kept awake by your partner while they snore their way through the night? Lots of us know what lying awake is like while our loved ones are noisily enjoying their slumber.

If you’ve had enough of lying awake at night listening to your partner snoring, it might be worth discussing their diet with them.

A simple diet change could help eliminate the frustrating buzz coming from the pillow next to you.

Not only can it be frustrating for other people but snoring can also lead to more serious health problems if left untreated.

Malvern Gazette: Fast food can potentially aggravate snoringFast food can potentially aggravate snoring (Image: Canva)

Health and nutrition experts from Prepped Pots powered by MuscleFood have explained which foods can aggravate snoring.

Several lifestyle changes can help treat snoring including quitting smoking, losing excess weight, avoiding alcohol and cutting out foods that worsen the condition.

If a person eats certain foods, the body can produce more mucus and trigger inflammation in the nasal passages, leading to loud wheezing and rattling during the night.

Snoring occasionally is harmless but if it's chronic, disruptive and loud then it can be a sign of sleep apnea, decreased blood oxygen levels, high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes.

Simple dietary changes can help reduce snoring and prevent serious health conditions including avoiding dairy and wheat-based products and not consuming large, processed meals before bedtime.

Malvern Gazette: Eating fruit and vegetables can help prevent snoringEating fruit and vegetables can help prevent snoring (Image: Getty Images)

To prevent snoring, anti-inflammatory foods such as vegetables, fruits, salmon, nuts and healthy fats from sources such as avocados and olive oil are recommended.

Ashleigh Tosh from Prepped Pots powered by MuscleFood said: “Although changing your diet may not entirely stop you from snoring, it can go a long way in helping you manage and reduce the symptoms.

“If you’re looking for a better night’s sleep or wish to spare your partner from staying up until the wee hours of the night then take a look at your diet and try to cut out foods that can trigger snoring.

“By reducing your intake of processed foods, dairy, wheat and sugar and incorporating more anti-inflammatory foods into your diet, you can prevent blockages in the airways and sinuses and encourage better flow of air during sleep.”

6 foods to avoid eating to reduce snoring

Dairy products

Yoghurt, cheese and ice cream before bedtime can aggravate snoring because the lactose found in dairy products increases the production of mucus which contributes to snoring.

Sugary foods and drinks

If you want to stop snoring, avoid eating sweets, cookies, desserts and soft drinks in the evening because a high intake of processed sugars can lead to inflammation in your throat and nasal passages.

Wheat-based products

Most breads, pastries and baked goods have processed wheat flour in them and they can contribute to inflammation in airways and sinuses and boost the molecules that cause mucus production.

Gluten-free options are better if you want to reduce snoring.

Malvern Gazette: Eating fast food can aggravate snoringEating fast food can aggravate snoring (Image: Canva)

Fast food

Fast food is highly processed so it can cause congestion in the respiratory system and potentially aggravate snoring.

Eating larger meals close to bedtime can cause indigestion which can lead to disrupted sleep patterns and potentially worse snoring.

High-fat meat

People might also snore because they eat meat, especially the fatty cuts, because the high protein content and saturated fats trigger phlegm production.

Opting for lean meats is better and you should avoid eating meat altogether just before going to bed.


Many people might not know of their food sensitivities and food-based allergies can cause inflammation and mucus buildup.

It’s crucial to be aware of your own allergy triggers and remove them from your diet.