The mayor of Malvern has paraglided for the first time to raise funds for a charity close to his heart.

Nick Houghton took to the skies above Malvern on Saturday, February 10 and admitted it was “a little bit frightening”.

But he wasn’t alone - Cllr Houghton was in the capable hands of Malvern Hang Gliding Club’s Steve Ashley - and it was all for a good cause.

Cllr Houghton was raising money for Guide Dogs, his Mayor’s Charity for the year.

Malvern Gazette: Mayor Nick Houghton and Steve Ashley following the paraglideMayor Nick Houghton and Steve Ashley following the paraglide (Image: Nick Houghton)

He is taking part in a number of events throughout the year in support of the charity, including the Mayor’s Bonanza in August and the upcoming Mayor’s Peaks Challenge.

“I decided to paraglide for the first time at the ripe old age of 58 in order to highlight that you should try to do something challenging and a little bit frightening regardless of your age,” said Cllr Houghton.

READ MORE: Mayor launches walking event to raise funds for Guide Dogs

“People living with sight loss face challenges everyday navigating everyday life. 

“I chose Guide Dogs as the Mayor’s Charity this year to highlight the great work they do in giving young and old people their independence.

“If anyone is able to make a donation - large or small - via the Malvern Town Council Just Giving Page, every donation helps to give people their independence.

Malvern Gazette: The paragliders come in to landThe paragliders come in to land (Image: Nick Houghton)

“We are nearly at our target of £10,000 which will enable us to run a competition to name a guide dog puppy, which is fantastic.”

The Mayor’s Peaks Challenge, unlike Cllr Houghton’s paraglide, sees participants keeping their feet firmly on the ground as they take on one of two walks across the Malvern Hills.

The longer 15km walk takes you the full length of the hills over all 17 peaks, while a shorter 7km route takes in the main section and the highest point, the Worcestershire Beacon.

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It takes place on Saturday, April 29. Registration for the longer walk will be in Priory Park from 8am with coaches leaving from 8.30am to take walkers to the starting point on the Bromesberrow Estate.

Those taking on the shorter walk can register from 10.15am until 11.30am before being taken to British Camp by bus.

All entrants will receive an event T-shirt and will be presented with a finishers medal by the mayor.