The following cases were heard at Worcester Magistrates Court recently.


A drink driver was caught by police after tailgating a car in Worcester. 

Daniel Smith, 24, of Martingale Close, Bromsgrove, drove too close to the car in front in Castle Street, Worcester, before being spotted by police, stopped and arrested for drink driving.

Smith told the court he had two jobs working as an engineer and at Keystones Cocktail Club. 

He was fined and disqualified from driving.


READ MORE: Drink driver was caught by police after being spotted tailgating


James Cronin, 34, of Elgar Court, Martin Hussingtree, near Droitwich, managed to persuade Worcester magistrates there were exceptional hardship reasons which meant he should not be disqualified from driving.

The court heard the company director had reached 12 penalty points through his latest speeding offence, making him a 'totter' and facing a six-month ban.

The court heard Cronin was relied on to take his pregnant wife to appointments, as well as his mother for her cancer treatment.


READ MORE: Speeding company director escapes driving ban after claiming exceptional hardship


A drunk man went on a rampage throwing bricks at cars following the breakdown of his marriage, city magistrates heard. 

Dean Scarrott, 38, of Offerton Lane, Warndon, Worcester, banged on a door of a house shouting his wife's name, despite her not living there, before throwing the bricks.

Scarrott also threw a stone statue tortoise, the court heard. 

Scarrott was fined and ordered to pay compensation.


READ MORE: 'You've got the wrong house': Man threw bricks at cars during drunken rampage


A drink driver crashed at a roundabout before abandoning his car and going to a friend's to continue his drinking.

Magistrates told Mark Johns, 44, of Gras Close, Bretforton, near Evesham, he had endangered the lives of others during the offence that was committed on January 5 this year. 

The prosecutor said the van had hit road signs and skidded before coming to a rest in the middle of the roundabout. 

Johns told magistrates: "I regret my actions, it is out of character for me."

Malvern Gazette: CASES: The cases heard at Worcester Magistrates CourtCASES: The cases heard at Worcester Magistrates Court

READ MORE: Drink driver abandoned crashed car at roundabout to continue his drinking

And Connor Weston, 24, of Canterbury Road, Worcester, was told if he commits any offence in the next year he can expect to go to prison. 

Weston was sentenced for theft, possession of a controlled drug of class B - cannabis, possession of a knife blade (a lock knife) and theft from a shop. 

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Weston was being handed four months jail but magistrates decided to suspend the sentence for a year. 

Weston was told the latest money owed to the courts would be added to the more than £2,000 Weston already owes from past offending.