HERE are some of the notable cases heard at Worcester Crown Court recently.


THE trial of a couple accused of murdering schoolboy Alfie Steele, expected to begin this week, was delayed. 

Carla Scott, 34, and Dirk Howell, 39, are accused of the murder of Alfie following his death at a house in Droitwich on February 18 last year.

Mark Heywood, prosecuting, told High Court judge the Honorary Mrs Justice May an issue had arisen which meant they could not proceed. 

A new trial date was set for early next year. 


READ MORE: Trial of Carla Scott and Dirk Howell accused of murdering schoolboy delayed



Sark Kennedy, son of violinist Nigel, appeared at Worcester Crown Court. 

Kennedy is yet to plead to the one count he faces - conspiring with others to supply a class A drug, cocaine.

The 26-year-old, of Cowleigh Road, Malvern, had expected an abuse of process application from his defence team to be heard. 

But the hearing did not go ahead.

Kennedy was told the case would be adjourned until November 2. 


Malvern Gazette: CASES: The cases heard at Worcester Crown CourtCASES: The cases heard at Worcester Crown Court


READ MORE: Sark Kennedy, son of violinist Nigel Kennedy, accused of cocaine conspiracy charge back in court


A MAN appeared at the court for stealing from a church on his birthday. 

Richard Johnson had previously admitted burglary in which the 44-year-old went to Upton Baptist Church on February 2, 2020 and stole electrical and food items worth more than £4,500.

Johnson, of Oystermouth Road, Swansea, was told he would need to attend his sentencing on November 2. 


READ MORE: Man stole more than £4,000 worth of items from Upton Baptist Church on his birthday


Dale Coldicot was jailed by a judge for a drunken rampage in which he stole and assaulted people in Worcester city centre. 

The court heard the 33-year-old's behaviour had been so serious terrified shoppers had to hide from him in Holland & Barrett. 

Coldicot, of no fixed abode but previously of Worcester, was jailed for 18 months for robbery, affray and theft.


READ MORE: Drunk's rampage led to staff and members of the public hiding from him in Holland & Barrett


Jody Oliver, of Barbourne Road, Worcester, denied 17 counts of fraud and theft offences during his appearance at the court.

The offences are all alleged to have taken place between January 1 and November 30, 2019, including some said by the prosecution to have taken place in Lower Broadheath near Worcester.


READ MORE: Jody Oliver denies 17 counts of fraud and theft


The 44-year-old was told he would face a trial on June 5, 2023.