TWO new bungalows could be built behind a Malvern antiques shop under new plans.

A new plan has been submitted to Malvern Hills District Council asking to demolish an existing workshop behind Kimbers Antiques in Lower Howsell Road.

In its place, two semi-detached, two-bed bungalows could be built.

The plans, submitted under the name "Mrs Kimber" propose removing the existing red-brick and timber-boarded workshop/warehouse buildings, replacing them with a pair of semi-detached bungalows, to provide two, two-bedroom dwellings with open plan kitchen living, off-street parking and amenity space.

Malvern Gazette: SITE: The site of the new bungalowsSITE: The site of the new bungalows

In the plans, the applicant said the site is likely to, but not necessarily be limited to, retirement-age people looking to buy a bungalow in Malvern.

The final design of the bungalows is still to be agreed, however at this stage a red-brick and slate roof finish is proposed so the bungalows remain in keeping with the existing setting.

Planning documents submitted by the applicant said: "Overall, the proposed development will provide two new homes, built to a high standard using energy efficient methods through double or triple glazing and renewable heat sources, producing energy efficient and sustainable homes for the future.

"This development will also improve the appearance of the site and bring benefits to the local economy and community.

"Due to the modest design and low ridge height of the bungalows, this proposal will not bring negative visual impacts to the locality or adjacent Conservation Area.

Malvern Gazette: ACCESS: The proposed site accessACCESS: The proposed site access

"The external presentation and design have been wholly considered, with careful thought given to the massing, form and site layout.

"The boundary treatments, vehicular access, parking and turning will remain almost unaltered as part of this scheme."

If approved by MHDC's planning committee, the two bungalows would benefit from the same access to and from the site via Lower Howsell Road.

Once on-site, two parking spaces per property have been allocated, as well as secure bicycle storage behind each bungalow.

To view the plans in full, go to