A SUPER slimmer from Malvern has shed five stone, transforming his health and lifestyle.

Lee Griffiths first started visiting his local Slimming World Group as a teenager in 2005 with his mother and grandmother.

The 33-year-old said: "As a teenager with no self-confidence, walking through the double doors to a local Slimming World group was an experience I will never forget.

"The feeling of dread I went in with lasted only seconds as I was met with a huge smile from the consultant."

Within 12 months of starting, he was comfortably at his personal achievement target and five stone lighter, thanks to the continued support of my consultant and the motivation of his fellow group members.

Malvern Gazette: BEFORE: Lee Griffiths before his weight lossBEFORE: Lee Griffiths before his weight loss

Since then, his weight-loss journey has seen him become a leader of his very own group.

He added: "Over the years I continued to attend various groups, but no matter where I was in the UK, I was always greeted with the same smile and warmth and that’s what I love about Slimming World.

"There is no prejudice or feeling of shame. It is a group of people with a common goal who support each other weekly, whether you are in your first week or a target member for life.

"Fast forward to today, and one thing remains the same, I still attend my regular group, run by consultant Donna Geal, at Malvern Eden Centre, taking back control of my weight and changing my mindset towards food and myself."

As his weight-loss journey continues, he is launching his very own Saturday morning group, which will meet at Kempsey Community Centre from April 23.

Malvern Gazette: AFTER: Lee Griffiths after his weight lossAFTER: Lee Griffiths after his weight loss

He added: "I’m excited to be launching a brand new Saturday morning Slimming World group.

"I’ve never felt hungry, I feel comfortable in my clothes and, more importantly, in my own skin.

"That feeling of contentment and comfort is priceless and it can be anyone’s."