UPTON'S WI group has created a stunning Remembrance Day display as the town prepares for the day itself.

Hot Peppers WI has created a cascade of knitted and crocheted poppies in the Old Churchyard.

In addition, there is also a purple cape of poppies on Cromwell the Dog, which remembers the animal victims of war.

The display will be up from November 1 to November 21 after which Hot Peppers members will transform the poppies into brooches, given to the British Legion and sold in aid of the Poppy Appeal.

Hot Peppers WI will also be taking part in the service of Remembrance in Upton upon Severn where they will lay a handmade poppy wreath alongside a standard wreath.

The idea was mooted after a member of Hot Peppers read an article about the British Legion and all the support given by them to ex-servicemen and women.

Fundraising was curtailed by the pandemic, so with members stuck at home, the challenge was set to make 1,200 poppies by September.

Thanks to the efforts of the group members and their families, this target was smashed, with extra knitting and crocheting sessions being held at the White Lion in Upton to make more.

As a further fundraising effort, the Hot Peppers are asking people to guess the number of red poppies on display.

The Royal British Legion has donated a prize for the nearest guess and entries can be made at Upton Tourist Information Centre, the Pepperpot, the Tudor House Museum, Upton Newsagents and at the Hot Peppers WI craft fayre in the Memorial Hall.

Entries cost £1 per guest, with the winner to be revealed on November 21.

All proceeds will go to the Royal British Legion.

For more information about Hot Peppers WI, go to hotpepperswi.co.uk or phone group president Leaza French on 07531 446607.