IN December members visited Callow End and St Gabriel’s for their parties and went to the Hop Pocket for the monthly lunch and to the Fold for the Christmas meal.

Many members have attended the fund-raising Friday mornings at the Link Nursery.

Members finished up about halfway at the Severn Group quiz.

At the committee meeting we spent a while completing the questionnaire on the future of Denman College, as it is running at a loss and only two per cent of members attend the courses.

January found members keen to give their subscriptions to Yvonne Hart, who is taking over as treasurer from Rosalyn.

The speaker was Jenny Flubacher and she told of her life in Afghanistan.

At age 22 she joined the Foreign Office and went to work in an office in Kabul at a time when it was still ruled by the monarchy. She had a very good lifestyle with servants and had her own apartment.

Members tried on a blue burka with mask over the eyes and this was very claustrophobic.

The next meeting will be on February 13, when members will have a talk on Madresfield.