A MAN who attempted to burgle his sister's property has been jailed.

David Cox, 32, of Martin Close, Malvern, admitted burglary with attempt to steal when he appeared at Worcester Crown Court on Monday, October 24.

Simon Phillips, prosecuting, said the offence happened at Cox's sister's property in Elgar Avenue, Malvern, on the afternoon of Monday, September 5.

Cox was spotted near the property in the early afternoon, and returned later with a black pole entering the garden of the property at 4pm.

CCTV images showed Cox entering the property, and the pole was found in the property - but nothing was stolen.

He said an aggravating feature was Cox's history of offending, which included various offences of theft and burglary of properties between 2003 and 2013.

Cox, who chose to have no legal representative, was then asked by Judge Andrew Lockhart whether he wished to comment in his defence.

Cox responded by saying he regretted everything he had done, and added that he had a heroin addiction but was "now off the drugs".

Sentencing, Judge Lockhart said Cox used the pole to open the window, and enter the property, and highlighted that after arrest Cox said "very unpleasant things about his sister".

Judge Lockhart said it was good Cox was now off heroin, and gave him credit for an early guilty plea.

Cox was sentenced to two years and four months in jail.