UPTON is to get a better mobile phone signal.

MP for the town Harriett Baldwin is spearheading the campaign and has confirmed upgrades to ensure improved 4G reception are due to be carried out.

Olaf Swantee, chief executive of Everything Everywhere (EE), has written to the MP to confirm the the upgrade will be happening in the coming months, which will provide better signal both indoors and outdoors.

MP Baldwin said: "I am pleased that one of the mobile phone operators that I contacted has been able to offer good news and I look forward to hearing more detail on this roll-out in due course.

"I haven’t yet heard of any other plans to upgrade signals so I would urge EE users to let me know when they get access to 4G in Upton and to encourage local people to then switch to that network.

"Rather like energy providers or banks, large organisations like Vodafone, 02 and Three only tend to get the message when they start losing customers so maybe this will nudge other operators to take this issue seriously."